
ESQ Financial Planning / Investments

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Capital sums for investing are acquired in many ways. These include inheritance, maturing savings policies, windfalls and proceeds from many years of saving. Investment types & requirements can be divided into short and long term needs.

Short term investment needs
These include saving for a car or a holiday. The most suitable investment type is usually a deposit account such as a bank or building society account.

Long term investment needs
These can be saving for retirement, school fees or providing capital for children as they grow up. You may wish to consider savings other than bank deposit accounts for longer term needs.
Whatever the investment type, you'll need to consider a number of important factors including ease of access to funds, charges and any tax implications.

More information on the types of Investments;

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ESQ Financial Planning is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority who oversees all financial business in the UK.

You can find us on their website Our registration number is 302381. Our registered address is 36 Stock Street, London, E13 0BY.